
Other fitness apps, like fitness apps that can be used to track what you eat so you could help maintain a health inspired us. We thought we could make something that could help others find and use information to help better themselves.

What it does

Our project calculates your BMR which is your basal metabolic rate, and it takes into consideration your weight, sex, height, activity level, and age. It uses Muller's equation to calculate the BMR which is a pretty accurate formula that loses a large data set to derive the formula.

How I built it

For this project, we integrated HTML, CSS, and JS to make an elegant application. HTML made up the underlying structure of the calculator, helping us manage input and form a cohesive DOM. CSS helped us style the app, and JS was the functional portion of the project.

Challenges I ran into

We ran into a major challenge at the beginning of our project where we ran into some problems with our code. We would insert the correct values, but the output wouldn't display sometimes. This caused us to email code back in forth for 20 minutes until we took a different approach of coding when coding the HTML section.

Accomplishments that I'm proud of

We are proud of this because this is the first project that we really have made that has a real-life application. We are proud of the research behind this application.

What I learned

We learned how to work together with our peers to make a functional website that others can use to better themselves.

What's next for Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator

What next is that based on your BMR we can recommend different exercises and diet plans that others can use to help lose weight and become a healthier person.

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