We got our inspiration from talking with the Vueling tech team and realizing there wasn't really any system in place to aid visually-impaired travelers, and thought that helping visually-impaired people by encouraging non-visually-impaired people to help them would be a nice idea.
What it does
Our application aims to visually-impaired and non-visually-impaired travelers and reward them. To us, this seems like a much better alternative than hiring some employees to do it, because we think the experience for the visually-impaired traveler would be better and more organic if the person that helps them is another traveler.
Challenges we ran into
The biggest challenge we ran into was trying to integrate our backend with our frontend. If we had more experience in web development maybe this would have been a much easier process.
Accomplishments that we're proud of
First of all, we are proud to come out of our comfort zone and experience the hackathon atmosphere. Then, we are also proud that, although we hadn't much idea what we were doing like 95% of the time, we didn't back down until the deadline.
What we learned
We learned about frontend and backend web development, HTML, JavaScript, CSS and Flask.
What's next for Barrier Free Boarding
If we had more time, the next thing would be to solve all the bugs that appeared and integrate the image recognition script inside the frontend.
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