Bangalore House Price Prediction

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This Model / Project / Web app predicts the price of a Real Estate property / House on the basis of Features like:

  • area_type
  • location
  • total_sqft
  • balcony
  • bathroom
  • BHK

Concept Used

1. Data Collection - From Kaggle:

2. Data Pre-Procesing

  • Removing Not-so-important columns
  • Checking and removing or replacement of null values
  • Outlier detection using Box plot, Outlier treatment using Flooring and Capping
  • Adding new data on the basis of Domain Knowledge

3. EDA - Performing Data analysis on the basis of Domain Knowledge [ do check the jupyter file ]

4. Model Building

  • Encoding
  • As i am dealing with Regression problem, that too linear models so no need of Feature Scalling
  • Dividing the data by Train test split
  • Testing Model's Score on divided data [ train_test_split and cross_val_score]
  • Model Used - Linear Regression (Multiple Linear Regression)

5. Deployment - Building web app with the help of streamlit and deploying it on heroku cloud

The Project / Web App is built in Python using the Following Libraries:

  • numpy
  • pandas
  • matplotlib
  • seaborn
  • sklearn
  • pickle
  • flask
  • streamlit
  • json

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