
Balls was born from the universal struggle of juggling tasks and commitments, a challenge that every student can relate to. Just as the soothing squeeze of a stress ball provides relief, we envisioned a tool that could alleviate the stress of task management while imparting valuable life skills. Thus, Balls merges the familiar concept of stress relief with the practicality of prioritisation, empowering users to regain control and navigate their academic journey with ease.

What does it do?

Users start by typing in their tasks, each represented by a colourful ball corresponding to its difficulty level - from "bruh this is so ez 😮‍💨" to "I give up." Once created, users can seamlessly drag and drop their tasks into one of 3 categories: Urgent, Important, or Can Wait. This simple, yet powerful, feature allows users to prioritise their to-do list with ease, ensuring that critical tasks don't fall through the cracks while also providing clarity on what can be tackled later.

Whether you're a student navigating the demands of academia or a professional juggling with multiple projects, Balls empowers you to take control of your schedule, boost productivity, and complete tasks with confidence 💪

How did we build this?

Every line of code was meticulously written and refined, leveraging the power of Visual Studio Code to bring our vision to life. Communication was key throughout the development process, whether that be through Discord or face-to-face collaboration.

What challenges did we run into? What achievements are we proud of?


As noobs in the realm of hackathons and coding in general, we really struggled at every stage and basically every line of code. But despite the moments of hair-pulling frustration, we tackled each challenge and viewed it all as opportunities for growth. While we may still be noobies, the knowledge gained and the hurdles overcome in just 2 days are achievements that we'll forever cherish :)

Our website is not the most functional, just use your imagination please, thank you 🌚

What did we learn?

Through the creation of Balls, we've learned the invaluable lessons of coding, collaboration, and perseverance.

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