Problem Statement

Residents of big cities are leading increasingly isolated and mechanical lives. Also, the stripping of green belts in cities like Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi has resulted in environmental degradation as well.


The Bagh Bagh phone app seeks to create communities that will engage in gardening activities together. These communities will be formed through the following ways: Plant Share: Exchange and sharing of plant clippings and seeds by users. These are those extra clippings and bulbs that would normally go to waste after pruning and cutting that takes place several times every year. Now, through this app, users can post pictures of the plants they will be clipping and others can take them for them, either for free or in exchange for any other extra plant that they have. Information Share: A large database of gardening information for new gardeners will bring more interested people into gardening. Moderated community submission of content will further build the Space Share: People and organizations can set up events to invite people to garden in public spaces and their own yards.

Once a community is developed it will lead to plantation drives in the city, more planting in users' residences through the shared clippings and increased interaction among city residents that is purposeful and positive.


  • Connect with existing groups such as MASF who are involved in plantation in Islamabad (we have contacted them and they are ready to work with us) and other existing gardening groups.
  • Leader boards and gamification possibly using shared plants as suprise rewards
  • Initial gardening and plantation events curated and managed by the team.
  • Once a community is developed leaders will emerge who will take the groups forward Sustainability Stage 1 Self run Once small groups have been formed through this interaction, community activities for plantation will be planned, for which funding from International donors and local NGOs known to the team members can be obtained. After a momentum has been built for the interaction in the users through these events and exchange of plants, leaders from the group of users will emerge and sustain the momentum. Stage 2 Small grants International donors and partnering with local NGOs to arrange community events to grow the community. Stage 3 Once the community is developed, partner with gardening suppliers for direct marketing to a large dedicated community. Other avenues can include specialized delivery services for seeds, cuttings, supplies etc.

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