Project Write-Up: BackTrack


The theme of the hackathon was "Retro/Nostalgic," prompting us to delve into the vibrant aesthetics and sounds of the past. We drew our design inspiration from the iconic 80s color scheme of Miami Vice, aiming to recreate the era's ambiance. Our goal was to evoke nostalgia by streaming classic tunes from the 70s, 80s, and 90s, immersing users in the rich audio heritage of these decades.

Technology Stack

For this project, we selected a technology stack that was familiar to ensure robust and rapid development:

  • Frontend: We used TypeScript and React for a dynamic and responsive user interface.
  • Backend: Java with Spring Boot provided a powerful, scalable backend framework, ideal for handling complex server-side logic.
  • Database: PostgreSQL was chosen for its reliability and comprehensive feature set, which supports complex queries and ensures data integrity.
  • API Integration: Music data was sourced from the Live.Fm API, which required sophisticated handling of copyright restrictions.

This combination of technologies allowed us to leverage our existing skills effectively while ensuring the application was built on a solid, scalable foundation.

Development Process

Our development followed an agile methodology, with continuous integration and development. We focused on delivering in small iterations to ensure application stability. This approach helped us maintain flexibility in our development process, adapting quickly to any new requirements or challenges that arose.


One significant challenge was dealing with music copyrights, which are rigorously enforced and limit accessibility to streaming through APIs. To navigate this, we implemented a web scraping strategy to extract YouTube URLs from JSON objects provided by the Live.Fm API. We then converted these URLs into embeddable YouTube links, enabling us to stream music legally without direct API access.

AI Integration

Initially, we explored incorporating AI to generate unique 8-bit style album art for each track. However, due to the high costs associated with advanced AI APIs, we opted for a more accessible solution. We utilized Gemini's API to generate song lyrics for the currently playing track, adding an interactive and personalized element to the user experience.

Lessons Learned

Throughout this project, we learned about the complexities of integrating multiple APIs and the importance of understanding legal constraints around digital content. The experience reinforced the value of agile development practices, especially in a hackathon setting, where time management and adaptability are crucial.


Building BackTrack was a rewarding experience that not only challenged our technical skills but also deepened our appreciation for the music and design of the past. We are proud to have created a platform that not only meets the nostalgic theme of the hackathon but also provides a delightful user experience through innovative technology and thoughtful design.

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