
Information is spread out around the internet, and is difficult to come across the actual aid someone may need at a given moment. We decided to build a website with separate tabs that houses this information.

What it does

The main index page is our home page. Has a very brief, short summary of what this website is about and has. At the top is our navigation bar where our pages are separated by the area of aid.

How we built it

We used both front end and back end languages to build this website and it's pages. HTML, CSS, the Bootstrap library, Font Awesome, JavaScript, Typescript, and the LeafLet library. Most importantly we used Syncthing to work together and see the changes we made in real time. The IDE we used was Visual Studio Code, with some extensions to help our process.

Challenges we ran into

We had issues with having the navbar toggler button working as it should, as well as the carousel slide in the index page to slide properly.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Having the JavaScript work for multiple pages by altering just one js file, and applying the script to each page. Also, having the navbar work as needed.

What we learned

Going back to documentation of the languages we were using to see if anything has changed. Communication is very important and going back and forth on what is needed to be done and any changes we made. Using Syncthing to work on the same directory at the same time.

What's next for Aid for Asylum Seekers

Seeing if it can be put on a live server, and possibly upgrading the backend to a database server to house more information and better storing

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