
Having to read research papers for some of my classes, I couldn't help but wish I could interact more with the paper, particularly getting a high level summary prior to reading it so that I could have some context before diving in.

What it does

This web app allows the user to upload a pdf, ask questions related to the pdf and get a response in real-time.

How we built it

The technology used was React for front-end, Flask for back-end as well as Langchain and OpenAI APIs for the text generation.

Challenges we ran into

My first time building something full-stack so the major challenges were learning how to set everything up in a short time period!

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Having a working product in time for the deadline. See demo here!

What we learned

So much! Pretty much learned Flask from scratch as well as how to interact with new APIs

What's next for Paper Buddy

Apparently ChatGPT 4o has upload capabilities, so we will be looking at what are some differentiating tactics we can try.

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