
Everybody deserves to find their community, and feel a sense of belonging. Understanding that it's often difficult to find others with similar interests, we aimed to create a platform for individuals to connect through a common passion for exploring the outdoors.

What it does

Arc'teryx Live is a mobile application that acts as a hub for connecting individuals through local outdoor activities. It features personalized recommendations, and simple channels of communications to meet those with similar interests. This app encourages a healthy work-life balance, and in-person social interactions, essential for personal wellness.

How we built it

We prototyped the application using Figma, creating an interactive walkthrough demonstration to simulate the user experience.

The frontend was programmed with HTML, and CSS for styling. The backend was programmed using Python, with Flask as a framework. SQLAlchemy was used to manage database interactions.

Challenges we ran into

As this was most of our members' first hackathon, we were limited by our technical experience. Although we were overwhelmed and intimidated by the process of building a web application from scratch, with help from many resources on the internet and the generous guidance from mentors, we were able to create a final project that we are proud of. The web application is very minimal, but with further development and styling, we believe in the strong potential of this application.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We're extremely proud of our ability to come together as a group of initial strangers, and create a solution to the proposed case. We were able to effectively collaborate and work with each member's strengths, which was integral to our success as a team.

What we learned

Together, we were able to embrace an initially intimidating environment, and gain invaluable experience in researching, designing, developing, and pitching. Brainstorming potential solutions challenged our creativity and definitely helped us develop our_ problem-solving skills_. We learned about how to implement UI/UX design to create a seamless user experience.

What's next for Arc'teryx LIVE

We are super excited about the future of Arc'teryx LIVE. With further development and implementation, Arc'teryx LIVE will fulfill our vision of creating a platform to facilitate a sense of community amongst outdoor adventurers. Additional styling would create a more pleasing experience, and the implementation of APIs could enhance functionality with more efficient authentication and data retrieval.

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