Aqua Trace App Link 👆


The inspiration for Aqua Trace came from the urgent need to address global water scarcity and promote sustainable water usage practices. Witnessing the increasing environmental impact of water wastage, we were inspired to develop a solution that empowers individuals to track and reduce their water footprint, contributing to water conservation efforts worldwide.

What it does

Aqua Trace is a revolutionary app designed to help users monitor and manage their daily water usage effectively. Through intuitive features such as image recognition technology and activity tracking , users can easily track their water footprint. The app also includes a leaderboard for users to engage in friendly competition and a blog section to educate and raise awareness about water conservation practices.

How we built it

We built Aqua Trace using the Flutter framework, leveraging its cross-platform compatibility and efficient development environment. Backend integration was achieved using Firebase , for Authentication and NodeJs for enabling seamless data management and synchronisation. The app's features, including image recognition and activity tracking, were implemented through a combination of custom algorithms.

Challenges we ran into

Throughout the development process, we encountered various challenges, including optimising the accuracy of image recognition algorithms, ensuring data privacy and security, and designing an intuitive user interface. Additionally, creating an accurate dataset related to water footprint is what we spent most of our time on.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We are proud to have developed Aqua Trace, a comprehensive app that empowers users to make a positive impact on the environment through conscious water consumption. Our accomplishment lies in creating a user-friendly solution that not only raises awareness about water conservation but also provides practical tools for individuals to take meaningful action.

  • Surpassed 50+ global downloads on Google Play Store
  • Maintained a 5.0⭐️ rating on Google Play Store

What we learned

The development of Aqua Trace provided us with valuable insights into cross platform app-development technology and user interface design. We learned the importance of balancing functionality with simplicity to create an engaging user experience. Additionally, we gained a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities in promoting sustainable practices through technology.

What's next for Aqua Trace - Water Footprint Calculator

Looking ahead, we aim to further enhance Aqua Trace by incorporating advanced features such as personalised water usage insights , community engagement initiatives, and collaborating with national/international NGOs/Government Bodies to promote sustainability.

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