
Khan Academy Duolingo Presidents play Minecraft

What it does

We made a website that allows people to learn math from well known influencers/characters. We take learning with fun to the next level

How we built it

  • We put the experiences of our users first and thought what would be the most fun for them
  • We planned every step ahead of time

Challenges we ran into

Account Authentication combined with frontend Making the right code to use hugchat (HuggingFace Chatbot) Trying to combine HuggingFace account and account authentication (put a pause to)

Accomplishments that we're proud of

  • We worked wonderfully as a team with great communication
  • The gifs, emojis, and memes were the perfect touches to our website
  • We created a clean user interface

What we learned

  • Teams of friends are the best things one could ask for
  • Roles can delay progress, sometimes its best to be more open
  • Breaks can improve results 10x
  • Looking at everything required in the submission is more important than rereading the instructions.

What's next for Angel Math

  • Stronger chatbot model with text-to-speech with the voices used in our videos
  • A HuggingFace account is all that is needed to make user accounts, there will be no need to have 2 accounts
  • Communities built around this funny platform
  • More added to resources, lessons, quizzes,

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