
I was inspired by the idea of experimenting with what kind of ideas language models (LLMs) could come up with. My goal was to create a tool that harnesses the power of LLMs to generate unique business ideas and even create proof of concept applications from those ideas.

What it does

AI Startup Ideas generates unique business ideas and provides proof of concept code for those ideas. It seamlessly integrates with CodeSandbox, allowing users to quickly brainstorm, generate, and test their projects.

How I built it

I built AI Startup Ideas using open-source language models to generate business ideas and proof of concept code. I integrated these capabilities with CodeSandbox for easy code management and deployment. The project was built upon the Snowflake Arctic Streamlit Demo Repository and expanded to include unique features.

Challenges I ran into

One major challenge was ensuring the consistency of LLM outputs. Each time the models are run, the results can vary, making it difficult to achieve consistent responses. I had to carefully consider how to handle these variations and ensure the generated outputs were useful and coherent.

Accomplishments that I'm proud of

I am particularly proud of the integration with CodeSandbox, which allows the AI to generate different code files and integrate them seamlessly. This feature enables users to quickly see and test the generated proof of concept applications.

What I learned

I learned a lot about the intricacies of working with LLMs, particularly the challenges of ensuring consistent outputs. It requires careful handling and consideration of how the models might respond to different inputs.

What's next for AI Startup Ideas

Next, I plan to expand the system to support more programming languages. I also aim to incorporate user input, allowing users to provide their ideas and generate proof of concept applications based on their specific needs. This will make AI Startup Ideas even more versatile and user-friendly, helping users quickly get started on their projects with boilerplate code and proof of concepts.

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