
We know how a person committing to positive daily affirmations can greatly improve their mental health and confidence, as well as the power of saying words out loud. We also know how easy it is to fall out of good habits and not feel up for positive self-talk.

What it does

AffirmMe is your mobile companion in daily affirmations that truly holds you accountable to your affirmation schedule, speaking your affirmations to you and confirming that you say them back through vocal recognition.

How we built it

We used Flutter and programmed in Dart in order to link together widgets in a fast and clean looking application. We used built-in text-to-speech libraries as well. And finally, we used Alexa Skill to set up an accompanying voice program.

Challenges we ran into

We had an incredibly hard time setting up our Flutter environments and mobile emulators and had even more trouble not being able to run our separate git commits on other devices. It took up probably over half of our hackathon time.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We learned a new language and framework in a very short amount of time, and managed to create our main functionality from scratch. We very ambitiously pursued technologies we had no experience with and have something clean to show for it.

What we learned

As first time hackers, we learned not to underestimate the time it takes to learn new frameworks and languages and the difficulty of organizing group members and coordinating on GitHub.

What's next for AffirmMe

In the future, AffirmMe's features will first be completed in the implementation, with the intended functionality of confirming user affirmations through vocal recognition, along with other features like the ability to select what kind of goals the user is focusing on to direct their quotes, and other quality changes like a home screen, exercise time select, and everything else that we included in the initial program design. From here on, as seen by the Alexa implementation, the possibilities for AffirmMe are far-reaching, and the build process is far from over.

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