
It can be difficult to focus on and retain information from verbal presentations. Luckily, tl;dl has your back, so you can continue pretending you remember everything from Monday's standup.

What it does

This Gemini AI-powered tool transcribes audio recordings to text, then provides either a brief summary or detailed, formatted notes of the audio's contents.

How we built it

Python, Google Cloud Speech and Text AI, Gemini AI API and Streamlit

Challenges we ran into

Iman: everything except Colab refused to work on my end, so it was a tough decision between trying to troubleshoot everything, or write everything up and have Lavanya test it on her end.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Iman: I got to use an AI API for the first time! It was very cool and I've learned a lot more about prompt engineering. Lavanya: got to work with in-app audio with streamlit

What we learned

What's next for tl;dl

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