What it does

Using Blender's API and a whole lot of math, we've created a service that allows you to customize and perfectly fit 3D models to your unique dimensions. No more painstaking adjustments and wasted 3D prints necessary, simply select your print, enter your sizes, and download your fitted prop within a few fast seconds. We take in specific wrist, forearm, and length measurements and dynamically resize preset .OBJ files without any unsavory warping. Once the transformations are complete, we export it right back to you ready to send off to the printers.


There's nothing cooler than seeing your favorite iconic characters coming to life, and we wanted to help bring that magic to 3D printing enthusiasts! Just starting off as a beginner with 3D modeling can be a daunting task -- trust us, most of the team are in the same boat with you. By building up these tools and automation scripts we hope to pave a smoother road for people interested in innovating their hobbies and getting out cool customized prints out fast.

Next Steps

With a little bit of preprocessing, we can let any 3D modeler upload their models to our web service and have them dynamically fitted in no time! We hope to grow our collection of available models and make 3D printing much easier and more accessible for everyone. As it grows we hope to make it a common tool in every 3D artists arsenal.

Special shoutout to Pepsi for the Dew

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